Learn more about our wellness program, cold caps, and other treatments during Chemotherapy.
Island Heritage CharityDrive & Charity Plunge Raises CI$25,843 for Breast Cancer Foundation
The Directors of the Breast Cancer Foundation were humbled and thrilled to have been chosen by Island Heritage as the recipient of their annual Charity Drive. We are so grateful to them.
Light up the Night 2016 Video
Highlights from Light Up the Night 2016.
Cold caps can help to stop hair loss during chemotherapy treatments
This video shows a big step for cancer patients here on island, it highlights the use of cold caps,...
Self Lymphatic Drainage for the upper limb using ‘Fill and Flush’ technique
This video was specifically made for all the ladies I have seen in clinic presenting with lymphoedema of the upper limb as a result of breast cancer treatment and surgeries.
Cancer Immunotherapy and the Role of the Microbiome
In the story of our long-lasting battle against cancer, encouraging results are coming from applications where our own immune system is triggered to identify and destroy cancer cells.
Breast Cancer Gala Dinner 2015 Highlights
Highlights from the 2015 Breast Cancer Gala Dinner.