About Us
The initial inspiration for the establishment of the Foundation came from Kim Lund, whose wife had a very courageous battle with breast cancer. Brenda had been very active in the Cayman Islands community promoting breast health, even well before her diagnosis. Following her death in 1998, Kim wanted to do something special to raise funds for breast cancer research and awareness. He initially sponsored the Brenda Tibbetts-Lund Walk/Run in her honour, and this even continues on an annual basis to this day. Following that successful inaugural walk/run in 1999, Kim joined forces with James Bovell and John Broadbent and held the first gala dinner in 2008 to raise additional funds for that cause. All funds raised were to be for the benefit of breast cancer patients here in Cayman, and the success of that initial gala was such that in 2009 it was decided to formally incorporate the Foundation. A highly successful second gala was then held, and it has been a tremendously successful annual event ever since. It is now one of the most anticipated and prestigious black tie (pink, actually!) events on the island.
The initial beneficiaries of funding from the Foundation were the Lions Club of Tropical Gardens to cover the Brenda Tibbetts-Lund annual walk, and The Cayman Islands Cancer Society for the financial assistance they give provide to breast cancer patients who are unable to afford their treatment. This is still the case some twelve years later, and in the intervening period, the Foundation has built up a highly successful wellness programme, which now has in excess of 300 members. This wellness programme provides a multitude of holistic and medical services to anyone going through breast cancer, together with individual face-to-face counselling from the Foundation’s permanent team and an incredible group of supportive volunteers. The Foundation also works diligently in raising awareness and providing local practitioners with training in specialised areas such as lymphatic drainage, medical equipment (such as cold caps) to help prevent hair loss during chemotherapy, and the provision of confidential advice on the fitting of wigs, bras and prosthetics for those who have undergone breast surgery.
The Foundation has grown from strength to strength and prides itself on its corporate governance and financial transparency. Timely audited financial statements are always produced and at the annual gala, a comprehensive financial summary is always provided, such that our amazing donors and supporters have a very clear picture of the Foundation’s expenses and the way that the proceeds from their kind donations are being spent.
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