Our Support Groups
We have several types of support groups, all of which are small intimate groups and tailored to suit you, no subject is out of bounds, you need support you need to ask your fellow breast cancer patients and survivors questions about their experience etc…just ask to join our community.

Subjects covered by our small intimate and confidential groups are:
- Relationships, intimacy and changes with my partner or simply re-joining the dating scene
- Supporting your children through your illness
- Why are my friends & colleagues acting differently towards me and to manage that
- Life after surgery, chemo and/or radiation (post-treatment challenges and victories)
- The role of my faith in my healing
- Will cancer come back? (changing focus to living your best life now)
- Why am I feeling the way I am feeling – depression, anxiety, PTSD?
Our meetings are held in PRIVATE at our BC Centre at Unit 19 Grand Harbour, Prospect call 923 1135 or 936 1136 or 938 1135 or e-mail "> for further information.
Once signed up to our Wellness Program you will be invited to join one or both of our Whatsapp Support groups also. you will be invited to join one or both of our Whatsapp Support groups also.
- Our Spiritual Support Group
- Our Practical Advice Support Group
Individual Counselling
If you are not comfortable talking in a group and we recognize that not everyone is, we can organize through our Wellness Program at no cost to you, sessions with a fully qualified counsellor, these meetings can be:
- Here at our Breast Cancer Centre, #19 Grand Harbour in a
private room - At your home
- On line video link
You are not alone
Survey and Suggestions
Related News & Photos
Support Group Christmas Social Evening 2019 Photo Gallery
Support Group Christmas Social Evening 2017
Our annual Christmas social event was very kindly hosted by the wonderfully generous Melissa Thompson and her husband LT, fabulously assisted by their little girl Corey. The setting was perfect the company was fabulous, we were entertained by the very talented Eric...