Awareness Program

We are fortunate enough to have help from many great companies and organizations here in Cayman who help to fund our ability to visit your home, workplace, community, school, and college to spend an hour or two talking about breast cancer, signs, symptoms, and who is at a higher risk than others, we explain about the importance of self-examination for all to start from an early age – age is no barrier against this devastating and life-changing disease.

Our mission at the Cayman Islands Breast Cancer Foundation is to reach as many people as we can to educate them about breast cancer.

Awareness Road Show

This Awareness Program is to be all year round, so we are not tied to October.  There is of course, no cost to you for this service.  To notify your staff/community that we will be attending please download the info form here to circulate to your staff/community.

Breast Cancer Awareness Flyer

  • We have had so many young women come our way and certainly, in the last 12 months there has been a definite increase, here in Cayman, is, therefore, vital to inform women and men how to look out for themselves and by doing so they could potentially save their own lives.   It’s a fact that 82% of all women under 40 will detect their BC themselves.   All ages need to be aware of the signs of breast cancer, age sadly is not a barrier, the youngest BC patient recorded in the US is 8 years of age.   Men’s breast cancer is rarer than women’s but sadly there is a higher mortality rate as many men do not realize they can get breast cancer.  Early detection saves lives – that is a fact. We aim to teach the employees/communities/college students about being proactive about their own health in general and to create healthy habits early on as it is so important for later in life. It also just sparking that conversation piece. We want those persons we are targeting to then talk to their moms, aunts, and grandmothers about their risks.
  • We have a 15-20 minutes presentation that we show which includes all ages of patients talking about their own diagnosis, how they found it, and their personal breast cancer journey.  We bring with us prosthetics that we can use and instruct anyone in how to do a breast exam along with explanatory leaflets for to take away.   There are many signs to look out for, we will educate those who attend what those signs are.
  • We stress the importance of keeping a healthy and active lifestyle, nutrition, diet, not smoking, cutting down on alcohol, taking regular exercise, and dealing with high-stress levels – these are all very important factors in staying healthy.
  • What is a mammogram and when and why to have one, we explain the process?
  • We also inform everyone about the Foundation and what we do
    to support BC patients and survivors, along with their families here in Cayman.

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We can tailor any program to the needs of your organization, the options being:

  • A slide/video presentation with Q & A’s – takes about 40 minutes
  • Set up in a room/or canteen etc., with our demonstration dummies, leaflets and staff members, we can be there for up to 2 hours for staff to come in and out to speak to us during that time.
  • At both types of presentation we will hand out flyers and other items to the attendees.