Alchemy Living Yoga

Tracy Candish

Tracy’s highly personalized, Holistic approach to healing teaches clients how to navigate their way through, into and beyond Cancer Recovery.

She is a qualified Hatha Yoga Instructor for 18 years, a Yoga Therapist for 10 and recently retired from 19 years as a Massage Therapist and has lived in Cayman for the past 27 years.

“Not only can Yoga be a Life Ring, but a transformation into a Life Style that works.”

Yoga for Breast Cancer Patients

Yoga supports self-awareness and a calm Nervous System which in turn, truly supports healing in every way that a person can heal.  In learning to take time for themselves, she helps clients become more empowered and experience that anything is possible.

  • Easy, pure movement allows healing from surgery, physical limitations & Chemotherapy.
  • Relaxed Breathing shifts to a calm, functional breath that lower stress, tension & anxiety.
  • Meditation teaches a deep sense of quiet, reconnects us to that “Wise Self” to deeply know ourselves.

Tracy offers her services in small closed groups and privately One to One.