The Breast Cancer Foundation, with the aid of a UK Based Anonymous Donor, brings word-class Photo Dynamic Eye (PDE NEO 2) Machine to the Cayman Islands

by | Mar 23, 2023 | Local Cancer Programs

Photo Dynamic Eye (PDE Neo 2) is a State-of-the-Art Imaging System Used for Reconstructive Surgery, Breast Surgery, and Lymphoedema Surgery

The Breast Cancer Foundation is pleased to announce that along with the funds from a UK based anonymous donor they have brought a world-class Photo Dynamic Eye (PDE Neo 2) machine to the Cayman Islands.

Breast cancer affects more than 1 in 8 women and has a huge impact on women in the Cayman Islands. A significant proportion of these patients (1 in 5) will develop lymphoedema, which is a build-up of fluid in the arm caused by removal of lymph nodes. Up until recently, lymphoedema has been a progressive condition which has been permanent with no hope of cure. Patients need to wear long-term compression garments which are not only costly and uncomfortable but have a significant impact on quality of life. In addition to the compression garments, a lymphoedema physiotherapist needs to perform manual lymphatic drainage to massage the excess fluid out of the limb. This is a significant time commitment for patients needing the massage on a regular basis. It is done blindly based on the likely drainage pathway, with no real confirmation.

Two years ago, Dr Anne Dancey started working in the Cayman Islands to provide a comprehensive breast reconstruction and lymphoedema service. She has a growing international reputation as a plastic reconstructive surgeon specialising in lymph node transfer. Globally, there are very few surgeons specialising in both breast reconstruction and lymphoedema surgery. It is an ideal opportunity for the three islands to benefit from this new service and her experience.

Together Dr Dancey and Dr Tanja Ebanks have developed a multidisciplinary female team that offers combined breast cancer surgery and reconstruction. However, the service has always been limited by the lack of accurate sentinel node imaging, inability to monitor skin perfusion following a mastectomy, lack of free flap monitoring and no provision for lymphoedema surgery and lymphoedema monitoring.

The Photo Dynamic Eye (PDE Neo 2) fulfils the requirement for reconstructive surgery, breast surgery and lymphoedema surgery. It is a state-of-the-art imaging system used in capturing and viewing fluorescent images for the visual assessment of blood flow and lymphatic flow which is essential to:

  • Demonstrate skin perfusion after mastectomy to reduce the risk of skin breakdown and delayed healing.
  • Ensure blood flow in breast reconstruction.
  • Identify whether the breast cancer has spread to the lymph nodes under the arm. Correct identification of the sentinel lymph node (the first node which drains the breast) allows detection of breast metastasis without removal of unnecessary lymph nodes. This reduces the risk of developing lymphoedema.
  • Imaging the lymphatic system and lymph nodes for patients who are undergoing a lymph node transfer to improve existing lymphoedema. This offers patients the possibility of improvement of their lymphoedema, and many patients no longer require compression garments or manual lymphatic drainage.
  • Detect lymphoedema as early as possible so patients are given the best conservative therapy and offered early surgery before any of the long-term damage to the lymphatics occurs. For those patients having manual lymphatic drainage for lymphoedema, the PDE shows the lymphoedema therapist the best way to massage the limb to clear the extra fluid.

Dr Dancey explained thatthis equipment enables patients to receive first class care throughout their cancer journey and make autologous reconstruction and lymphoedema surgery in the Cayman Islands a realistic option without the need for foreign medical support. I am so grateful for the generous donation of the money through the Breast Cancer Foundation and a overseas donor that has enabled first class surgery that is not available to many patients. Patients in Cayman deserve the highest standard of care and are a constant inspiration to me and my colleague Tanja Ebanks. We are so grateful to be able to help make their lives better.”

“When we launched the Breast Cancer Foundation almost 14 years ago our goal was to raise funds for breast cancer treatment and awareness for those suffering from this disease in the Cayman Islands,” added Kim Lund, Breast Cancer Foundation Founder and Director. “Each year we continue to support breast cancer patients and strive to provide the best possible medical care. The Photo Dynamic Eye (PDE Neo 2) is just one more innovation that we are proud to bring to our islands in our fight and treatment of breast cancer.”


“With each new service the foundation is able to provide we are getting one step closer in our fight against breast cancer,” added James Bovell, Breast Cancer Foundation Founder and Director. “We are extremely grateful for the talent, knowledge and support of doctors like Dr Dancey and Dr Tanja Ebanks.”

Photo: L-R BCF Kim Lund, BCF Pam Laurenson, Cayman Surgery’s Dr. Tanja Ebanks, Dr. Anne Dancey, BCF Marina Rogers